MidPen Requests Zoning Change
Time to Take Action!
July 2018
MidPen has filed its application for the first phase required on their trek to build a massive housing project in Moss Beach. This zoning change would result in a new Planned Unit Development (PUD) for 71 units that are 100% restricted for MidPen's affordable housing as proposed. This property is ill-suited for a large cluster of housing units. It is isolated from any community-oriented services, lacks infrastructure, adequate transit and walkability and would overwhelm the small neighborhood community. Traffic safety alone is a huge issue!
Here is a link to MidPen's application and all the accompanying documents: https://planning.smcgov.org/cypress-point-affordable-housing-community-project
What's next?
• Zoning Amendment
MidPen's application requests a zoning amendment from its current PUD for medium-high density to a new PUD for medium density. The Board of Supervisors is the deciding body for the County. However, because it is in the Coastal Zone, it also requires approval by the CA Coastal Commission. The Coastal Commission must approve this change to the County’s Local Coastal Program (LCP) Land Use Map before the County can act upon a request for a Coastal Development Permit.
• Public Hearings
Several public hearings will be held during this process: first at the Midcoast Community Council (MCC) to consider the project for a recommendation from the community, followed by the San Mateo County Planning Commission and ultimately at the Board of Supervisors, who make the decision for the County. The zoning amendment request would then be considered by the Coastal Commission at a public hearing for certification to the LCP.
What you can do!
• We need EXPERT help!
Those of you who have volunteered your expertise in the past, now is the time to step forward. And if you would like to volunteer now, please, we need you! As we all understand, there are many serious problems with this project that will impact traffic, road safety, the environment, and an already failing sewer system. We need experts in these fields to read the application and help us expose the issues to decision-makers.
• We need FINANCIAL support!
This project has several inconsistencies with the Local Coastal Program that this application is glossing over. We recognize that a challenge requires legal and expert witness involvement. We need to fund this effort - it is the only way to stop this misplaced, oversized project. Please, visit our Donate page! All donations go specifically to this effort.
• Show up to public meetings and raise your concerns!
It is critical that the County, the MCC and the CA Coastal Commission hear our concerns and see the number of concerned citizens. We will keep you up to date on key public meetings and encourage you to attend.
• Write key decision-makers!
We have contact information of key decision-makers who you can write with your concerns: https://www.resistdensity.org/midpen-proposed-development.
Thank you! Your continued support is vital to our success in protecting the San Mateo County Midcoast. Please help spread the word to your friends and neighbors - The more people who are involved, the better the chance that important decisions reflect our shared values!
Your gift is tax-deductible to the full extent provided by law. Resist Density is a registered 501(c)3 organization. Our EIN Number is 81-3587219. All donations are confidential. We do not sell or trade your information.