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Harbor Village RV Park



Brief Overview

Public opposition remained strong against this proposed RV park addition to Harbor Village visitor-serving commercial development at the gateway of Pillar Point Harbor. On December 11, 2019, the County Planning Staff report was presented to the Planning Commission with a recommendation for approval of a 50-unit RV lot. In response to the concerns raised at the hearing, the Planning Commission voted to continue the item until a list of issues, mainly regarding the visual impact on the public, could be addressed. In addition to the visual impact of this large development, the community remains even more concerned regarding the impact on traffic and the potential impact on our inadequate water and sewer infrastructure. 


December 9, 2020

The County Planning Staff Report recommended the adoption of the Mitigated Negative Declaration and approval of the Coastal Development Permit, Use Permit, Design Review Permit, Mobile Home Park Permit and Grading Permit. The applicant had reduced the number of RV spaces from 50 to 47 and increased the number of tent spaces from 7 to 8. The applicant has also made changes to the vegetation and such to reduce the visual impact somewhat.


“Furthermore, the project is not considered a destination attraction that would cause a significant increase or change in pedestrian or vehicle traffic patterns as the use is intended to provide supportive lodging service to people that visit the Princeton area for other primary reasons.”

Aerial image of proposed RV Lot at corner of HWY1 & Capistrano (from MCC website)

Harbor Village RV Park - more info


Spring 2023: Construction commences


12/9/2020: San Mateo County Planning Commission conditionally approved the project (3 -2 vote)


12/11/2019: San Mateo County Planning Commission heeded the concerns of the community and voted 4-0 (1 absent) to continue the item until date uncertain so the applicant could address a list of issues.  


County Staff Report, December 2020

County Staff Report, December 2019

Resist Density RV Park Neg Dec Letter - October 2019

Resist Density RV Park public Letter - April 2018

Harbor Village RV Park proposal - 2015

MCC webpage and documentation


The Planning Commission conditionally approved the project 3-2. The applicant (as well as the two no votes on the Commission) objected to conditions added to the motion to reduce the height of the existing tower sign and make room for better landscape screening of the RVs which would result in a net reduction of RV spaces to 44 from 47. The applicant can appeal the added conditions to the Board of Supervisors. When the project approval is deemed final by the County, notice will be given to the Coastal Commission. The final decision is appealable to the Coastal Commission as outlined below.


Coastal Development Permit Appeal Process

The applicant indicated intention to appeal the Planning Commission decision to the Board of Supervisors and has 10 working days from December 9 to formally file the appeal. If the applicant does not file an appeal, the County sends a notice to the Coastal Commission that the local CDP decision is final. If the applicant does appeal, the local decision is not final until the Board of Supervisors decision hearing.​ When notice of a final decision is given to the Coastal Commission, the 10-working day appeal period begins. 


Information on CCC Appeals - Click here


Lack of comprehensive traffic plan

The intersection of Highway 1 and Capistrano Road, the location of this proposed RV Park, is congested. It is one of the main access routes and choke points for the approved Big Wave project. 


The County’s comprehensive transportation management plan has a very long timeline and lacks funding to implement


Overburdened Water & Sewer Infrastructure

The Midcoast, as well as the City of Half Moon Bay, is facing water supply concerns. Climate change has increased the likelihood and severity of droughts going forward, which also reduces the probability of finding adequate new sources of water on the Midcoast. This risks future water supply and quality and brings into question whether the system can actually support the large number of new connections in the forecast along with fire risk that is accompanying climate change.  


The coast has a failing sewer infrastructure as illustrated by the large numbers of overflows documented. There were 101 SSOs on the Coastside from 2011 - 2017 including 20 category 1, meaning it reached surface (ocean) water. We question whether the current infrastructure can support any more projects. New permits for large projects like this RV Park should be more critically reviewed with respect to their impact on an outdated and overburdened system infrastructure. Specifically, the Sewer Authority Mid-Coastside (SAM) should be consulted on proposed projects like these and asked to confirm that it can handle the additional sewer volume (under both dry and rainy conditions).

Read more about Midcoast ECO's SSO reporting.


Impact on scenic ocean view

The current proposed design will still result in blocked views. Even with attempts to “preserve” the southbound view corridor and not block the ocean view as proposed in the application, you will still see RV’s and trailers from both north and south dominating the view. This significantly changes the character of the harbor and reduces its appeal.


Cumulative impact of large-scale projects

This RV Park will add to a growing list of large projects on the coast in various phases of the approval process. Yet, there is a lack of any meaningful study which takes into account all of these projects and their impacts on traffic, road safety, sewer, water, and the environment. Who is looking at the big picture?

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